Controlling Anger
02.00 One day, a man met Rasulullah (S) and asked him to give him the most important rule of behaviour. It is reported that Rasulullah (s) replied:
"Do not be angry," and he repeated this several times.
Rasulullah (s) reapeated his avice to emphasize how important it is to control anger. He was known to be very patient and calm, never letting anger rule his actions or words. This is one of the reasons why his followers felt so comfortable with him. Even the disbelievers respected him for his great patience.
The Harm of Anger
Anger is probably the most destructive human emotion. Often, when a person gets angry, he can say and do things he may live to regret. He loses self-control. Out of frustration, he may shout, curse, and say awful things. He could hurt or even kill someone in extreme circumstances. When a person gets angry, he can do irreparable damage to himself and others.
Anger is another trap from the Shaytan to break our faith. Rasulullah (s) warned:
"Anger comes from the Shaytan; the Shaytan was created from fire, and fire is extinguished only with water; so when one of you becomes angry he should perform Wudu"
We msut be careful to control our anger and not let our anger control us.
How to Control Anger
Anger is a natural emotion. Certain situations can make anyone angry. However, one must know how to express anger in a constructive rather than destrucyive way. The best way is to stop and think about what you are about to do before you lose control. Then, try to convey your feelings calmly. You will find that you can make your pojnt more effectively this way.
Rasulullah (s) gave the following advice in regards to controlling anger.
When one of you is angry while standing, let him sit down; and if his anger goes away (it is good); otherwise let him lie down.
When you learn to control your anger, you feel better about yourself, and others feel more comfortable around you.
A Strong Person Controls his Anger
According to a Hadith, Rasulullah (s) asked his Sahabah (r):
"Who do you think is strong or powerful?"
They replied "He who throws people down."
"No," said Rasulullah (s), "It is he who controls himself when he is angry."
Truly, it takes a great deal of inner-strength to control one's anger, because many times, it arises so suddenly that it takes us by suprose. This is why we should be aware of situations that can make us angry. Similarly, we should avoid doing anything to anger others.
Allah (s) Rewards Those Who Control Their Anger
Allah (s) has promised that on Day of Judgement, He will reward those who do not let their anger rule their actions. Rasulullah (s) said:
"Whoever controls his anger, while he hsa the power to show it, Allah (s) will call him on the Day of Resurrection before all creation, and reward him greatly."
The Qur'an promises that those who control their anger are among those whom Allah(s) loves:
Those who spread generously in ease and in difficulty, and those who control their anger, and are forgiving toward people: Surely Allah loves those who do good.
We Have Learned
*Anger sometimes leads to many acts that one regrets later
*Rasulullah (s) gave us his advice on how to control anger.
*Allah (s) loves and rewards those who control their anger.
Modesty and Humility
01.59 Modesty is purity of intention in all actions. A modest or humble person does good deeds without trying to get noticed or show off. The opposite of modesty and humility is pride.
Modesty and Islam
As you may recall, Rasulullah (s) said: "Actions are judged by their intentions." Since modesty means purity of intention, it is also an essantial aspect of Islamic Tahdhib. It is reported that Rasulullah (s) said:
Every religion has its special characteristics: the characteristic of Islam is modesty.
Basic to a Muslim's faith is the blief that the Supreme Creator of all things is Allah (s), and human beings are only a small part of His creation. By accepting thst Allah (s) is Almighty, and we are His servants, every Muslim is bound to humility and modesty. Rasulullah (s) said:
Modesty is part of faith, and faith leads to Paradise.
Showing-off Versus Being Modest
No one likes a show-off. Show-offs want recognition for everyhting they do. They think that they are better than the others and try to make others feel inferior. More than anything, they want to be admired. But, even when people pay attention to them, in their hearts, they do not admire them. They may envy them for their wealth, good looks, intelligence, ect., but they do not like them.
People take pride in different things. Some people are proud of being the son or daughter of an important person. Some people may be proud of being rich. Others may be proud of being beautiful. Still, others may be proud of being intelligent.
Good heritage, wealth, beauty, and intelligence may be all wonderful qualitites, but one should not lose sight of fact that everything he has is a gift of Allah (s). Bragging shows ingratitude to Allah (s). Indeed, as easily as He gives His bounties, He can just as easily take them away.
Why Do People Dislike Show-offs?
If a person has admirable qualities, they shine through his behaviour. Boasting about one's own qualities diminishes their value. Instead of winning admiration, people may resent such a person. It is the person who queitly does good works that accomplishes the most earns and respect.
Sometimes, people do good deeds, such as giving charity or offering extra fasts, and brag to others what good Muslims they are. Such people are not seeking Allah's pleasure, they are seeking the acceptance and praise of others. Unfortunately, in doing so, they may win admiration of others, but they are losing the reward for the Hereafter. According to Rasulullah (s), on the Day of Judgement, among the seven types of people Allah (s) will take under his protection, the person who acts in accordance with the following Hadith:
He is most charitable who gives so secretly that his left hand not know what his right hand has given.
A Muslim's View of Himself
A true Muslim knows that everything he has is a gift from Allah (s): birth, beauty, wealth, intelligence, ect. A true Muslim is grateful to Allah (s) for all he has been given. He has nothing to be proud of, but instead, he has much to be thankful for. Therefore, he tries to use what Allah (s) has given him to lead a decent, Islamic life. He knows thst Allah (s) sees everything he does, and so, he remains humble before Allah (s) and modest before other people.
We Have Learned:
*Modesty is a major characteristic of Islam.
*A Muslim knows that everything he or she has is a gift from Allah (s).
*There are many reasons which may make us want to show off to others, but we shouldn't.
Telling the Truth and Keeping Promises
01.59There was once a boy who was sent to guard his father's sheep outside his village. One day, he cried out "Help! The wolf is killing the sheep!" The villagers rushed out to help him with sticks and guns. When they looked around, they found no wolf, only the boy laughing at them. The next week, he again cried, "Wolf!", and again, the villagers rushed out to him for nothing. Then, one day, a real wolf attacked his sheep. "Help!" he shouted. "The wolf is here!" But, nobody came to help him. He had told lies so often that even when he told the truth, no one believed him.
The Girl Who Broke Her Promises
Maryam had a friend named Latifah. Latifah never kept her promises. Any time she promised to do something, she didn't do it. One time, Maryam told Latifah a secret, and Latifah promised not to tell anyone. The next day, everyone knew Maryam's secret. Latifah had broken her promise, and Maryam never trusted her again. Latufah didn't keep her friends for long, because she always broke her promises. Even when she would swear by Allah (S) nobody believed her. Soon, Latifah was very lonely.
The Lesson of These Stories
It is very important to be truthful and to keep promises. Nobody likes a liar. Nobody trusts a person who breaks promises. Liars and untrustworthy people soon find they have no friends.
Rasulullah's (s) Example
Rasulullah (s) was a very truthful and trustworthy person. Even before he was called by Allah (S) to be His Messenger, people liked his honest character. They even called him "Al-Amin", which means, "The Trustworthy", and As-Sadiq which means the "Truthful One."
Rasulullah (S) is also reported to have said:
If anyone is pleased to love Allah (S) and His Messenger, or rather to have Allah (s) and His Messenger love him, he should speak the truth when he says anything, and fulfill his trust when he is in position of trust.
What the Qur'an Says About Truthfulness and Trustworthiness
The Qur'an tells us to be truthful and trustworthy in many places. For example:
And cover not Truth with falsehood, nor conceal the Truth when ye know (what it is)
(Al-Baqarah 2:42)
O you who believe! Fulfill (all) obligations.
(Al-Ma'idah 5:1)
O you who believe! Why say you that which you do not? Grieviously hateful is it in the sight of Allah that you say that which you do not.
(As-Saff 61:2-3)
A Muslim must stop himself from telling lies. One lie often leads to others, Sooner or later, when the truth comes out, the only one hurt is the liar himself. A Muslim must make sure that whenever he makes a promise, he keeps it to the best of his ability. Only then will the others respect him and trust his word.
We Have Learned
*A true Muslim is one who does not lie or break promises.
*People who lie all the time soon find themselves in trouble.
*Telling the truth gains the love of Allah (s) and the respect of others.
Kindness to All People
01.57Ibn'Abbas (r) reported that Rasulullah (s) said:
He is not one of us who dies without having shown kindness to our young ones and repect to our older ones.
Therefore, an older peron should be kind to a younger one. He should not dominate him or be harsh with him. Instead, one should be patient with the younger persons and set a gooe eample for them. This way, he will learn to be patient with his juniors and also show respect to his elders.
At the same time, a younger child should be respectful of his elder brother or sister. He should try not to annoy him/her and make him him/her angry. When his older brother or sister is working or doing something important, he should try to stay as quiet as possible and not cause distractions.
It is best to remember that mutual consideration and kindness is the basis of all Islamic behavior.
Being Good to All People
In Islam, every good deed is an act of charity and has a a special reward from Allah (s). Abu Hurairah (r) reported that Rasulullah (s) said:
Enjoined on every part of Human body is charity, every day when the sun rises; doing justice between two people is charity; and helping a man onto his beast and leading it is charity; and a good word is charity; and removing harmful things from the road is charity.
From this, we can see that a Muslim should try to be helpful and kind to all people, even if it is only by saying a good word. Sometimes, thismay be difficult, because some people are not always nice to you. At such times, you should remember that you will recieve the reward for an act of kindness from Allah (s), and that He is watching all your efforts.
The people who return evil with good are especially liked by Allah (s). The Qur'an teaches us that a good act always wins out in the end. The Qur'an teaches us:
Be Kind, as Allah has been kind to you.
(Al-Qasas 28:77)
We Have Learned:
* We must show kindness and mercy to those who are younger than us.
*We must show consideration and respect to those whoa re older than us.
01.57 Cleanliness is a very important part of being a Muslim. Maintaining good personal hygiene shows for oneself and for those with whom one associates. The way a Muslim presents himself is a reflection on all Muslims and Islamic teachings. This is why one should try to keep good habits of cleanliness.
Allah (s) says to Rasulullah (s)
"And your garments keep free from stain! And all abominations shun!"
(Al-Muddathir 74:4-5)
Rasulullah (s) is reprted to have said:
"(The religion of) Islam is clean. Hence, you should also keep yourself clean. No one will be allowed to enter Paradise except he who is clean. This cleanliness is of both the body and the mind."
Why is it Good to be Clean?
A dirty body, dirty hair, dirty teeth, and dirty clothes are not only unpleasent to look at, but give off a bad smell. They offend other people. They attract lice and disease-causing viruses. The dirty person may scratch his body which may cause sores resulting in infection. Dirty teeth become yellow and rotten, causing pain. They may even have to be pulled out. But, clean, white teeth and a clean body in fresh clean clothes are beautiful. They are pleasent to experience and behold.
In the same way, if a person's mind and heart are clean, his character is good and pleasing. But if his mind is unclean, it is a place of bad thoughts and a souce of bad deeds.
How Should a Muslim keep Himslef Clean?
The body: A Muslim should try to bathe daily, if water is available.
The hair: The hair should be washed when bathing, whenever possible. Yhe hair should always be combed and brushed. Hair oil may be used.
The teeth: The teeth should be brushed several times a day with a toothbrush or a Miswak. It is reccomeneded to brush the teeth at the time of Wudu. To brush teeth with a Miswak at the time of Wudu is a sunnah of Rasulullah (s).
A'isha (r), Rasulullah's wife, reported that he said:
"The Miswak (tooth stick) is a means of purifying the mouth, and is pleasing to the Lord."
The mind: A Muslim should have a clean mind and pure heart. He should follow the guidance of the Qur'an and the Sunnah. He should do what is good and avoid what Allah (s) has forbidden. If a Muslim does something wrong, he shoud repent and try not to repeat his sin. Regular prayers and fasting also help a Muslim to remember Allah (s) and cleanse the heart and mind.
Cleanliness for Salah
A Muslim should be particularly clean and nicely dressed for the Salah. He is about to stand before Allah (s), the Almighty, and must present himself in the best way possible. Therefore, cleansing oneself through Wudu, making sure that the clothes are clean and neat, and clearing the mind of bad thoughts are all parts of necessary purification in preparation for Salah.
Cleanliness of Surroundings
A person cannot stay clean if he lives in a dirty inviroment. Therefore a Muslim should keep his/her room, his/her house, his/her neighborhood and his/her eviroment clean. He should dispose of his garbage according to the city or neighborhood code. He should not leave it to blow around on other people's property or on the road. He should not use roads or sidewalks or public places to throw waste or garbage. Following these teachings shows respect for Allah (s), respect for our neighbors, respect for the regulations of the society and respect for ourselves.
Keeping the enviroment clean keeps everyone healthy and happy. If we respect nature, it will respect us and continue to provide us and continue to provide us our basic necessities, such as fruits, grains, water, wood, ect. However, if we abuse our nature, we will lose all benefits it provides us. All living things, whether human beings, plants, or animals, are the creation of Allah (s) ad as good Muslims we must respect all of Allah's (s) creations.
We Have Learned
*Cleanliness is part of our Iman (Faith)
*Our bodies should be clean to keep away sickness and diseases.
*We must keep all of our surroundings clean all the time.
Obedience to Parents
01.57 The Importance of Obedience to Parents
After obedience to Allah (s) and His Messenger, it is most important to be obedient to one's parents. Being polite and helpful to one's parents is the duty of every Muslim.
Children sometimes do not realize how much their parents have done for them. Every mother bears the pains of pregnancy and childbirth. She often spends many sleepless nights patiently caring for her baby's needs. If the baby is sick, parents nurse him to health. They gladly spend their money and time to buy clothes, food and medicine for the baby and toys to make him happy.
As their child grows, they try to provide him a good education and a loving home. They are there for all important events in their child's life, from his first words to his college graduation, professional career and marriage, giving him all their love and support. Even if he makes a mistake, they never stop loving him. Most of all, they pray that their child will grow up to be successful and happy in this life and in the Hereafter.
Returning the Love and Kindness of Parents
Parents feel very happy if their son or daughter is kind, polite, helpful and obedient. If their child is rude, disobedient or lazy, they feel dissapointed and even embarrassed. After all, the way a child behaves reflects on his parents.
When they become old and too week physically to care for themselves, parents need loving care, just as they gave their children when they were young. We should never forget that if our parents had not taken care of us when we were young and helpless, we probably would not have survived. We truly owe our lives to our parents, so taking care of them in their old age should be our pleasure.
The Qur'an commands us to show kindness to parents in the following words:
Your Lord has decreed that you worship nothing but Him, and that you be kind to parents. Whether one or both of them attain old age in your life, say not to them a word for contempt, nor repel them but address them in terms of honor. And, out of kindness, lower to them wing of humility, and say: My Lord! Bestow on them Your mercy, even as they cherised me in childhood.
(Al-Isra' 17:23-14)
Obedience to Allah (s) Come First
If parents ask their children to do something which Allah (s) has forbidden, children should obey Allah (s) over the order of their parents. However, they should respectfuly explain to their parents the reasons for their disobedience. If the parents are not Muslims, Rasulullah (s) taught us to be kind and respectful to them. We should take care of them and continue to explain Islam to them.
How to be Obedient and Helpful to Parents
In every home, many chores need to be done. When a child comes home from school, he should make it a point to help his parents before going off to play. Tidying up, washing clothes, mowing the lawn are a few ways we can help our parents. By offering our help, we show them how much we love and respect them.
Children should do their best to obey their parents. Children should not argue with their parents, refuse to help them, or make a fuss over every small matter. If a child is asked to take a bath, change clothes, do the vacuuming, or do homework, he/she should try to do so as soon possible. Respecting our parents' wishes is another way we can show our parents we love them.
We Have Learned:
*Obedience to our parents is very important in Islam.
*We must be polite and loving to our mother and father.
*We should help our parents in jobs around the house.
Islamic Moral Education and Manners
01.56 The Qur'an and the sunnah teach us good morals and manners. Rasullah (s) was the best example of the teachings of the Qur'an. It is very important for a Muslim to learn about Islamic Tahdhib and Akhlaq and follow the Sunnah as the best model.
Rasulullah (s) reminded his followers before he died:
I am leaving you with two things: the Qur'an and my sunnah: whoever holds tight to them will never go astray.
Here's some important moral education and manners down below:
Backbiting and Cursing
Preventing Jealousy
A Day in the Life Of A Muslim Child
01.55Some things we have to do by the order of Allah like...
Getting up early in the morning
When you get up early in the morning you are supposed to say this: Alhamdu lillahilladhi ahyana ba'da ma amatana wa ilaihinnushur. It means: Thanks and praises to Allah who brought us to life after having given us death and to him we shall have to return. And don't forget to pray Fajr! And wash your face once you wake up.
Entering and coming out of the bathroom
While entering the bathroom make sure to put you left foot in first and say this: Allahumma inni a'oodhu bika minal khubthi wal khaba'ith. It means: O Allah! I seek refuge with you from the bad and evil things. When we are in the bathroom we shouldn't talk. Come out and put your right foot out first and say the following supplication: Ghufranaka. Alhamdu lillahilladhi adhaba anniladha wa'afani. It means I ask for your forgiveness. Thanks and praises to Allah who removed from me the suffering and gave me relief.
How to do wudu
Wash your hands three times, then rinse your mouth three times with right hand. Rinse your nose three times with left hand. Then wash your face three times. Then wash your forearms up to elbows three times. After that wipe your head with water once. Insert your index fingers in your ear holes, then wipe the back of your ears with thumb and front of your ears with index fingers. Now in the end wash your feet and rub your toes with you little fingers to make sure that water reaches between them. During this whole process make sure not to waste water. There is a saying of the prophet that even if you are standing on the banks of the river, do not waste any water. After completing wudu you should say: Ash-hadu alla illallh wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu.
Going to the Mosque
When you leave the house you should say:Bismillahi tawak-kaltu alallah wa la haula wa la quwwata illah billah. It means: In the name of Allah. I put my trust in Allah and there is no strength nor power except Allah. When you are late for prayer some run towards the Masjid. But we should not do that because Allah's Messenger has said: When you hear the Iqamah, proceed to offer the prayer with calmness and solemnity and do not make haste. Pray whatever you are able to pray and complete what ever you have missed. When you enter the Masjid put your right foot in first and say:Bismillahi wassalatu wassalamu ala rasulilah. Allahummaftahli abwaba rahmatik. It means: In the name of Allah and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah! Open for me the doors of your mercy.
Eating at the table
Let's say I was eating a melon and I forgot to say Bismillah our Prophet has given us guidance on all aspects of life. He taught us that if somebody forgot to say Bismillah before starting the meal he should say: Bismillah awwalahu wa akhirahu. (I start in the name of Allah at the beginning and end. You should also eat with your right hand and from what's in front of you. Also when you have food in your mouth we must not talk, that is bad manners. After your done eating you should say: Alhamdul illahilladhi at'amani hadhatta ama wa razaqanihi, min ghairi haulim,-minni wa la quwwatin.
How to Pray
There are 5 prayers that we must pray:
Fajr- Dhur- Asr- Maghrib- Isha
Basic Beliefs
01.53Muslims believe in one, incomparable God, He has no son nor partner, and that one has the right to be worshipped but Him alone. He is the true God, and every other god is false. In the Quran, God describes Himself: |
Say, “He is God, the One. God, to Whom the creatures turn for their needs. He begets not, nor was He begotten, and there is none like Him.” (Quran, 112:1- 4)
Belief in the Angels:
Muslims believe in the existence of the angels and that they are honored creatures. The angels worship God alone, obey Him, and act only by Hiscommand. Among the angels is Gabriel, who brought down the Quran toMuhammad.
Belief in God’s Revealed Books:
Muslims believe that God revealed books to His messengers as proof for mankind and as guidance for them. Among these books is the Quran, which God revealed to the Prophet Muhammad . God has guaranteedthe Quran’s protection from any change.
Belief in the Prophets:
Muslims believe in the prophets and messengers of God, starting with Adam, including Noah, Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and Jesus (peace be upon them). But God’s final message to man, a repeating of the eternal message, was revealed to the Prophet Muhammad . Muslims believe that all the prophets and messengers were created human beings who had none of the divine qualities of God.
Belief in the Day of Judgment:
Muslims believe in the Day of Judgment (the Day of Resurrection) when all people will be resurrected for God’s judgment according to their beliefs and deeds.
Belief in Al-Qadar:
Muslims believe in Al-Qadar, which is Divine Predestination, but this belief in Divine Predestination does not mean that human beings do not have freewill. Rather, Muslims believe that God has given human beings freewill. This means that they can choose right or wrong and that they are responsible for their choices. The belief in Divine Predestination includes belief in four things:
1) God knows everything. He knows what has happened and what will happen.
2) God has recorded all that has happened and all that will happen.
3) Whatever God wills to happen happens, and whatever He wills not to happen does not happen.
4) God is the Creator of everything.
The Prayers:
The muslims have to pray all the five prayers Fajr, Dhuhur, Asr, Maghrib and Isha every day. Allah said, "Whoever doesn't pray the five prayers shall go to hell fire (Jahannam). So remember always to pray the five prayers.
AsSalaamu Alaikum everyone
01.52 AsSalaamu Alaikum everyone! I am so glad that you came to visit my
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